
Made in Quebec

Subventions municipales pour l’utilisation de couches lavables

Municipal grants for cloth diapering use


Cloth diapering : a sensible choice for new parents and an economic one for all!

Did you know that disposables diapers for babies are the third waste in importance in dump site in Québec? In fact, 600 millions of disposables are dumped each year and all of them take more than 200 years to decompose! We're talking around one ton of disposables diapers per kid from birth until he's potty trained. That's HUGE!

More and more proactive municipalities caught the importance to fight this ecological and economic plague. Not only it is not environmentally friendly, the dumping of disposables diapers has a considerable financial impact resting on every citizen living on their territory. It's then up to us, Quebec families, to pay for that plague.

Solution: Municipal grants for cloth diapering use

It's for that reason that more of 250 Quebec municipalities decided to help families by promoting cloth diapers. Isn't it wonderful to see that kind of pro-family and environmentally friendly initiative?

Here is a little guide to help you verify if your municipality is participating to promote cloth diapering on their territory.

Note that this list is not updated daily. We then invite you to contact your municipality to verify with them the details and availability for grants on their territory. Sometimes, a maximum grants is allowed per year.


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