
Made in Quebec

Our history

October 2015. Emilie Langlois

The beginning of something bigger than yourself, without knowing it

''I was far from imagining at that time all the adventure that awaited me. I had just given birth to my first chick. The first in my family, the first among my close friends. Maternity was a completely unknown world to me, overloaded with contradictory information in which it is difficult to find one's way. Breastfeed or bottle-feed? Co-sleeping, moses in the parents' room or directly in his own room? Baby carrier, yes or no? Let cry or comfort? Cloth or disposable diapers?

Too much information, too many differing opinions and too little experience to make informed decisions on my own while being in harmony with my deepest values.

One thing is, after looking at the various statistics on disposable diapers, their impact on the environment, baby's health and the economy that comes with using cloth diapers, it was certain that I was going to go this route- the.

I have always been creative, curious and workaholic. Maternity leave? Not made for me. From my first attempts at sewn diapers on my kitchen table with the little domestic Huskvarna that my mother had lent me, I imagined 10,000 ways to modify the pattern so that it would look good on my little 8lbs-21 shallot. inches. I made it my main hobby for the next few weeks until I sewed dozens of them, each more pretty and polished than the next.

Quickly, people around me asked me to make their own and one thing leading to another, I had dozens of people, some unknown, who were writing to me to find out if I was going to leave my business and sell these little diapers. which did me so much good to sew.

The response was extraordinary from the start and quickly, I had work for several months in front of me. I was euphoric and stressed at the same time. I had to adjust quickly and learn everything an entrepreneur needs to know to run a small business.

Lili confections were born.

Ups and downs, I saw in the first years of the company. Challenges that seemed insurmountable to me, from the unknown to the infinite, questioning and the feeling of swimming against the tide nine times out of ten. Perseverance and determination, I often had to have more than I had to offer but in retrospect, each decision, each action, led us to where we are today: A leader in the field of washable diapers made in Quebec.

The 15 years of experience that I have accumulated in the manufacturing field have allowed me to set up optimized and standardized manufacturing processes that allow us to offer a product of irreproachable quality at a competitive price and above all, manufactured here. , in Quebec.

In 2015 you entrusted me with a major challenge: that of growing an SME here, in Quebec. A challenge that I accepted with excitement and whose mission I still try to fulfill today, 5 years later.''

Emilie Langlois

April 2019: Roxanne Vincent-Mathieu

Roxane. A solid friendship that has stood the test of time.

''After long discussions, questions, careful consideration and ready to leave a long-time job, Roxanne announced to me in April 2019 that she wanted to join me in the Lili adventure. I was ecstatic! Quickly, it was clear that I wanted to share this business with her for the long term. Our friendship quickly grew stronger, and our brains think the same way when it comes to strategic directions or important business decisions.

Roxanne's contribution since her arrival has been phenomenal. Immediately, she got involved as if she had always been part of the project. She brought a breath of fresh air, a sparkling dynamism and new ideas of grandeur to the company.

The saying that alone we go faster, but together we go further, applies perfectly.

In the last year, we have worked in symbiosis, complementing each other and motivating each other to always go further, to think always bigger.

After a hectic move in September 2020, we are ready, with our superb team, to make a high-performance, ethical and trendy washable diaper more accessible than ever so that together we reduce this monumental burden that disposable diapers represent on future generations. .''

Emilie Langlois

September 2021: Aux P'tits Gifts

The pandemic hits hard and destabilizes the company, which is experiencing financial difficulties and is forced to close. Aux P'tits Cadeau, proud ally of Confections Lili for four years, decides to take up the torch and give Confections Lili a second life.

''Passing the torch to Patricia, Danik and their team is a natural next step for Lili. They have been one of our first partners, as well as one of our valued allies over the years. I have confidence that they will be able to pursue Lili's mission beyond its borders, respecting its local values ​​and its commitment to offer a product and a first-class customer service, as they already do so well with To little gifts.
I feel proud to see that my work over the past six years has not been in vain, that the mission I gave myself when I founded the company is still valid and that it will continue despite my departure. I leave you this time with a lighter, serene heart. The last few months, despite being difficult, have filled me with optimism for the future. The best is yet to come.

You are in good hands. Take care of yourself. "

Emilie Langlois